jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Hecha por el Amor y conciencia suprema

Hecha por el Amor y Conciencia suprema,
Sri Guru simboliza, con certeza, a la Madre Divina,
la Energía infinita sobrehumana.
Ocurre una concreta condensación
de la gracia divina
para quitar la ignorancia de la mente humana.
Sri Guru simboliza, con certeza, a la Madre Divina,
la Energía infinita sobrehumana.

Sri Guru, Hari Guru, Shiva Guru Om,
(Hari: destructor del pecado; Shiva: destructor de la ignorancia)
Satchidanandamayi Jagadamba Om.
(Satchidanandamayi: plenitud de Existencia-Conciencia-Dicha;
 Jagadamba: la Madre del Universo)

English Translation:
Sri Guru is made of Love and supreme Consciousness and symbolizes certainly
the Divine Mother of infinite superhuman energy. In order to remove the ignorance of the human mind, there occurs a concrete condensation of the divine grace.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

¡Nunca conseguirán cambiar algo

English translation:
In this perfect universe you can never change something. You can only adapt yourself with the all-pervading Reality. In this understanding remain faith and contentment. Attaching yourself in vain is the impediment. Adhering to God increases all gains. The intelligent persons perform their duties with all skill and efficiency. Everything that one requires to do is his duty, his task.

¡Señor! ¡En mi corazón contigo

¡Señor! ¡En mi corazón contigo
me integraré en sincera entrega total;
sin demorar más!
¡Tú eres la Realidad toda abarcante;
así no yo sino Tú sólo continuarás;
con toda gloria eternamente Tú continuarás;
con toda grandeza sólo Tú continuarás!
¡Sólo Tú continuarás!
English translation:
O Lord! In my heart I sincerely integrate with You  in my total surrender, without further delay. You are the all-pervading Reality! So, not me but You only will continue. With all Your glory only You will continue eternally. Only You will continue.

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

Entre toda mujer y todo varón

Truly speaking there is not much division between woman and man. The same Creator  is expressed in both. The same Brahman exists in all. The same seed itself is divided in two  to shoot the whole creation.  The Divine Energy penetrates and pervades all. Let all the mistaking, confusion and division end! Let there be the true integration.

Como Amar a Dios(Aforismo.3)

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Muchas inquietudes y mucha soberbia


With the dawning of divine conscience a lot of restlessness and arrogance disappear. Everyone should be careful about a libidinous person and the bewitching gold!  All men and women companions! Be alert! Remember that we human beings are the citizens of the Earth. We resemble the God! If we want to travel the path of light and peace, we should be aware of this.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

"En el regazo del vasto infinito

"En el regazo del vasto infinito,
con todo tu "yo y mio",
eres un mero puntito;
plenamente metido, distraído
sin mucho sentido,
en las contradicciones,
considerándote indispensable, valiosa;
¡Oh mente, aunque eres un mero puntito!
Sri Ramakrishna dice: "Liberete, sólo poniendo atención
en tu interior,en la morada del Señor,
en Dios, infinitamente misericordioso".

English translation: "In the lap of the vast infinity, with all your "me and mine"
you are a mere speck; fully involved, distracted without much sense in these contradictions; considering yourself indispensable, valuable; O mind, although you are a mere speck! Sri Ramakrishna says: "Liberate yourself only by paying attention within you, in the Lord's abode, in infinitely merciful God. "

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

En la capilla de cada corazón

Our Lady dwells in the chapel of every heart! The Hindu already calls Her as Ma Kali! Ramakrishna calls Her as Ma Kali! It is She only who shines here in so many forms! Each woman deserves all honors, because she symbolizes that Woman . One should feel Her presence in the womanhood. She dwells in the heart of everyone.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

¡Que vivan las Patrias!

"¿Quién dará luz al mundo? En el pasado la ley era el sacrificio, y por Dios que será así en los siglos por venir. Los más valientes y mejores de la tierra tendrán que sacrificarse por el bien de muchos, por el bienestar de todos. Se necesitan cientos de Budas, con compasión y amor eternos." -SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

English translation:
Long live all Motherlands! Long live Argentina! Integrated, we are of the same family. With God's grace we will overcome all differences.  We are human beings; we carry human blood. Conquering the internal and external nature, we will manifest our divine essence. Vivekananda invites us to live our day to day life, sharing every moment of sadness or joy. Long live Vivekananda!

"Japat siddhi"

"Om es el arco, la flecha es el ser individual y Brahman es el blanco. Apúntalo con un corazón tranquilo. Piérdete en él, como la flecha se pierde en el blanco". - Mundaka Upanishad 

English Translation:  
(japat siddhiḥ: Repetition of mantra brings perfection)

The perfection comes only by repeating! Holy Mother Saradadevi used to say: "japat siddhi"Repetition of Mantra brings perfection. One realizes the Highest certainly by repeating and contemplating over the meaning of the mantra. In that blessed spiritual state you will be perfect with your total surrender.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Emblema de la Orden Ramakrishna

Emblema de la Orden Ramakrishna - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

Emblema de la Orden Ramakrishna - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

"Las aguas ondulantes simbolizan Karma; el loto, Bhakti y el sol naciente, Gñana. La cobra es indicativa de Yoga y de la Shakti Kundalini despierta, mientras que el Cisne representa al Paramatman (el Ser Supremo). Por lo tanto, la idea del emblema es que por la unión de Karma, Gñana, Bhakti y Yoga se obtiene la visión del Paramatman".

"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte

Canción cantada por Florencia Ballestrini, Maria Laura Caballero y Eduardo Tumbarino

"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte;

es para refugiarte, para cobijarte;

es para dedicarte y olvidarte;
¡A Dios Todo-compasivo darte, darte, darte!
"Sharanam" es el suplicar para someterte;
a la voluntad divina entregarte;
¡Oh mente! es para darte, darte, darte;
¡A Dios Todo-conocedor darte, darte, darte!

English Translation:
"Sharanam" is repeated surrendering yourself. It is to take refuge in a sheltar. It is to dedicate and forget yourself. It is giving yourself repeatedly to all-merciful God. "Sharanam" is praying with your submission. It is surrendering to the divine will. Oh mind! It is giving yourself again and again to the all-knowing God.

Con las plegarias sinceras

English Translation:
With sincere plegarias and total dedication we will overcome all limitations, Today we will sing a global song. A wonderful feminine consciousness dawns in the international level! The human culture will progress now with a domination of control mental. The unity of Godhead, a global unity, always existed. Now, in the love of God a total harmony will reign. Those persons, worthy to be spiritual, should be straight and moral. Ramakrishna lead an immortal life after realizing  this Eternal Truth!

La espiritualidad siempre brilla

English Translation:

Spirituality always shines and lives in the present. O mind! Do not escape from anything. You will rise instantly! To be sincere is essential. Always be sincere in your spiritual practice. Surely you will become spiritual. The limitations due to your "I and mine" are endless. You will be able to end up with all just by remembering GOD! To be sincere, honest is essential.

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013

Om Namo Bhagavate Ramakrishnaya

ENGLISH translation:
Om! Salutations to Bhagavan Ramakrishna who is Consciouness, presence and harmony! Salutations to Bhagavan Ramakrishna who is benevolence and unfathomable grace! Salutations to Bhagavan Ramakrishna who is divine bliss and infinite power! Salutations to Bhagavan Ramakrishna who is eternal refuge and eternal companion! Salutations to Ramakrishna!

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Como Amar a Dios(Aforismo-2)

La Mujer merece

The woman now deserves a special attention. She is worthy of elevated consideration. For her subtlety, tenderness, goodness, creative energy and so much intelligence; she is worthy of great consideration. In order to balance both wings of the humanity, the woman is worthy of elevated consideration. Ramakrishna sincerely adored the femininity.

"Si ustedes no elevan a las mujeres - vividas personificaciones de la Divina Madre - no piensen que hay otro camino para vuestra propia elevación." - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Satchidananda-ghana Vivekananda

(en Bengali)
Satchidananda-ghana Vivekananda,
Sri Ramakrishna-maya Vivekananda,
Mahadeva, Shiva, Guru Vivekananda,
Nara-premi, Naravatara Vivekananda

(En español)

¡Vivekananda, oh Vivekananda!
Eres la condensación de Satchidananda,
pleno de Sri Ramakrishna,
Mahadeva, Shiva, Guru,
personificación y amante de la humanidad.

English translation:
Vivekananda, O Vivekananda! You are condensation of Satchidananda; full of Sri Ramakrishna, Mahadeva, Shiva, Guru; a personification and a lover of humanity.

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

La devoción es lo esencial

Sri Ramakrishna decía: "La devoción es lo esencial...El mejor sendero para esta época es Bhakti Yoga (el sendero de la devoción), el prescripto por Narada: cantar el Nombre y las glorias de Dios, y rogarle con un corazón anhelante, "Oh Señor, dame conocimiento, dame devoción, y revélate a mi!"