miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Cada dama es la divina Ma misma

Cada dama es la divina Ma misma,

La Virgen, Sarada, Kali potencialmente;
La humanidad entera debe honrarla,
Amar y servir a ella adecuadamente.

La mujer cumple las tareas asumidas,
Siempre con destreza maravillosamente;
Siendo dotada con las energías divinas,
Crea y construye las cosas asombrosamente.

La mujer aguanta mucho pacientemente;
Su modestia innata la hace seguir exitosamente.
Revalorizar a la mujer es esencial y urgente,
Para crear la armonía y equilibrio globalmente.

Each lady is potentially the divine Mother Virgin Mary, Sarada and Kali. The entire humanity should honor, love and serve her adequately. The woman, being gifted with the divine energy, executes the assumed tasks always dexterously and marvelously, and creates and constructs amazingly. The woman holds on a lot patiently. Her innate modesty makes her keep on successfully. In order to create the harmony and equilibrium globally the revaluation of the woman is essential and urgent.